(808) 799-5207
2250 Kalakaua Avenue Suite 406 Honolulu, Hawaii 96815

Privacy Policy

Basic Policy of Protecting Personal Information

All personal information regarding guests, employees, and any individual associated with the company is considered confidencial. In line with the Hawaii Square LLC Behavior Charter and laws that mandate personal information protection, we have created a compliance program that outlines the following:

1. The use of Personal Information

Upon collecting personal information, you will be advised of the purpose of obtaining your information. Your personal information will not be used in any way other than what you have consented to. All personal information is kept private and confidential.

2. Collecting Personal Information

Personal Information such as your name, telephone number, fax number, address, I.D. is provided to us in a voluntary manner.

3. Managing Personal Information

Personal Information is stored and managed securely, ensuring that all employees adhere to the compliance program. In order to prevent information leaks, we strive to implement and enforce the appropriate measures from both technical and administrative perspectives, by educating our employees who handle personal information.

4. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

As a general rule, personal information will not be disclosed to third parties with the exception of the cases below:

5. Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

For inquires regarding your personal information, once we can confirm your identity, we will provide the requested information to you within a reasonable amount of time.

6. Compliance with Laws and Regulations Regarding Personal Information

In order to maintain personal records, we have in place, an internal regualtions regarding personal information as well as comply to all laws and regulations.

7. Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Compliance Program

From internal audits and reviews by business representatives, we strive to continuously improve the compliance program on personal information.